I seek to understand the underlying motivations and intentions that drive interactions.
In my current work, Iām exploring healthcare and accessibility. ā
Before joining EY, I was teaching at Carnegie Mellon and building Prototype. Working both at the organizational level, and with physical objects, I learned a lot about the relationship between culture and the built environment, both things that continue to influence my work today.
I know a thing or two about
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras et vehicula leo, vitae pharetra tortor. Morbi facilisis vehicula commodo.
User Experience (02)
Morbi commodo congue viverra. Donec metus mauris, ultrices ut dapibus sed, aliquet vel ligula. Pellentesque hendrerit arcu quam
User Research (03)
Mauris egestas et quam vel convallis. Nullam dui purus, auctor id mauris a, mattis rutrum nisi.